
What Makes My At-Home Art Studio Special: 6 Tips

A view of an at-home art sudio with light from the window shining on the top of the work tables.  There is also a childs  floral painting in a frame, a bamboo birdcage, art books, decorated branches and two house plants.

Nearly a year ago I wrote one of my first posts about the JOYS of having my very own art studio. Since that time my room has gone through a few updates. It has been tweaked and modified. It not only serves as my favorite creative space but also as a blogging zone and vintage vendor hub … all that in one tiny 10×10 room you say? Yes, there have been some changes… but what hasn’t changed is my love for it! I love the overall feeling, functionality, and FUN of the room! That’s why this week I wanted to share what makes my at-home art studio special!

A bamboo tray with an artisits ceramic palette with colorful paint swatches, paint tubes and glass paint jars with used paint brushes. There are a few art books are in the background.

Many moons ago I had an art space in my home… not even a full room. But it was my very own space and it was WONDERFUL! It had all the essentials. However, it was lacking one thing… PRIVACY! After enduring constant interruptions from my beloved family, as well as disappearing art supplies… Aaaaaugh!… I vowed that one day I would have an art studio of my own, complete with a door! Not too long after, I did some finagling, and an actual room was officially procured! It was a HAPPY day indeed!

My art studio, in its former life, was a child’s bedroom with just one window and one small closet. It’s the tiniest room in our little ranch house… but it’s perfect because it’s just for me! Surrounded by all the essential elements and all my favorite things! It’s the most FUN room in the house.

A close-up of a portion of a pink floral painting and a white shelf with books and vintage ceramics displayed on it.

MY 6 tips That Make My At-Home ART Room Special:

1. inspiration board

Oh, what fun!… an inspiration board! If you are making an art studio in your own home it is essential: projects, sketches, kid art, postcards! This is where I get to display anything I like. Things that motivate me, inspire me or just make me smile. My inspiration board actually started as a framed piece of wrapping paper, because I didn’t have anything to put on the wall at the time. It was just hanging there lonely and lifeless, waiting for its purpose to begin. One day I taped my granddaughter’s painting to it. Now that was ART! So, every time I received a card I liked I taped it up, a postcard from a museum trip… I taped it up, a sketch of a painting… I taped it up. And so on! That lifeless boring framed wrapping paper is now the fabulous focal point of the room!

A very colorful and fun inspiration board hanging on the wall in an at-home art studio.  it has various greeting cards, post cards, childrens artwork and charcoal sketches displayed on it.

2. sketchbooks & idea books

Oh, what would I do without my sketchbooks and idea books? I shudder to think! LOL! To the untrained eye, they might look like oodles of doodles and magazine scraps, but to me, they are much more than that! They are my creative thoughts and goals illustrated on my personal pages, like upcoming house projects, design dreams, and painting ideas. I store them all in my many imaginative journals.

A colorful idea journal with cut out magazine pages of home decor ideas as well as a postcard of boats and part of a charcoal sketch.
Opened art books of Impressionist paintings and some charcoal sketches displayed on an art studio table.

3. lighting

Believe it or not, one of the things that makes me the happiest in my art studio is my window! It’s a given that lighting would take top priority. Good lighting is a must whether natural or artificial. But natural light is the absolute best, especially in a small room. It lifts the mood! I also have a giant paper lantern for diffused lighting and two table lamps that were vintage finds.

A giant white paper lanter light hanging in an at-home art studio along with a childs painting and part of a window.

4. Art and design books

BOOKS!… books are the best… what can I say… books are one of my favorite things! They are very beautiful, comforting, colorful, and essential for reference. Inspiration, inspiration, inspiration! I especially love decorating and art books. I can get lost in them for hours. However, large art books with better color reproduction can be very pricey. So, I buy used books online and from a cute little used book store in my community.  

Colorful Impressionist art books displayed on a table: landscapes, florals and figures.

5. comfy Seating

Is a comfy seat necessary?… For me? You bet! Being comfortable in my favorite space is important! When it’s time to be contemplative I want to be relaxed so I can nurture creative thoughts. I had a chair originally but upgraded to a small loveseat. I did have to sacrifice some storage space but it was well worth it! Some of my best ideas come from lounging on my comfy loveseat. Plus it’s great for guests who happen to stop by from time to time.

Looking through an open french door at an art studio with a comfy white loveseat, an easel with a floral painting, a bamboo chair, a work table and a small shelf with vintage pottery and books.

6. personality

Make sure you add the YOU into your art studio! Personality is key! It’s those special touches and elements that get you all jazzed up and motivated to create, even if you’re in a noncreative mood. Surround yourself with things you LOVE, things that make you energized and smile. For me, I love a lot of color, vintage accents, and artwork! I treasure my family’s masterpieces as well as some of my favorite antique store paintings.

A view of an art studio with a  pink floral painting on a canvas, a shelf with vintage pottery, a bamboo birdcage and a two jars full of paint brushes.


It was a long time coming, but worth the wait! Making an art room at home has been a JOY! It’s not just a place to hold supplies, it’s much more than that. The perfect art room is a place to generate ideas. It’s a place to refuel, to become energized, to produce, and to ponder. It’s what makes my at-home art studio special! And even though it is small, it’s lovely, and it’s all mine! And, it even comes with its own DOOR!! My wish is that everyone would be able to have a wonderful space in their home where they can be creative… and ENJOY it! So, let’s get creative, let’s get artsy, and most importantly let’s get HOMEY!

An at-home art studio with two work tables, a bamboo chair, an easel with a floral pastel painting, and an inspiration board with sketches.

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  1. Just discovered you and your blog tonight. I half heartedly carved out an art space in our oldest daughter’s room when she moved out after college but didn’t make any major changes so it never felt like my space. Her gray walls and black and white bedding remain and I haven’t been in there in weeks. Seeing this post felt like a permission slip, an invitation and a challenge wrapped up in one. Double-checked with her for her blessings which she eagerly gave and am so excited to make that room my own. Might you have the name of the paint color- that soft blue made my heart sing. Excited to catch up on your blog and social media in that new space, thanks so much for your help.

    1. WOW, WOW, WOW! Mindy… you completely made my heart HAPPY! Congratulations on acquiring a NEW ART SPACE! That is very exciting indeed! I hope you’ll love yours as much as I love mine! My paint color is called Julep Green (which is odd because it looks blue in my home… LOL). I used Valspar interior satin paint from Lowes. Good Luck with the rest of the transformation!

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