
Pretty Postcards of the Past Can Make Beautiful Decor in the Present

An antique postcard featuring a puppy with two bunnies and the words "Happy Easter."  The postcard is displayed in a basket of yellow daffodils. Pretty vintage postcards can make beautiful decor.

Recently when I’ve been out and about making my rounds to my favorite vintage vendors, something has really been catching my eye… POSTCARDS! Not just any postcards, but antique postcards, that are embossed and printed with such lovely scenes and florals. I love the styles, designs, colors, and, of course, the personal notes on the back! They are stunning and intriguing. I love the history of them as well as the look of them… they seem to speak to me! And the best part is that I discovered that pretty postcards of the past can make beautiful decor in the present!

A pile of antique postcards spread out on a table with two colorful ceramic birds (a bluejay and a thrush)  with beautiful yellow ranunculus flowers in the background.

postcard history

I discovered that printed postcards were introduced in 1898 but became SUPER popular around 1907 to 1915. In just one year 677 million cards were sent… WOW! They cost just a penny to mail which made it very economical for friends and family to communicate. It was an amazing way to keep in touch by sending these beautiful cards that the receiver could also collect and display.

A pile of antique postcards on a table, the back sides are up so you can see the handwritten letter. They have green one cent stamps and are displayed with two ceramic birds and yellow ranunculus flowers.

All I know is that I really LOVE them! I started collecting holiday postcards from the early 1900s. But, I didn’t just want to shut them away in a box, so I decided to use them as part of my festive decor. In the past, I have framed them and even used them in my flower displays and centerpieces. This Easter I decided to make a decorative banner and hang it on my china hutch.

special easter banner

A pile of colorful antique postcards from the early 1900s.  They have  beautiful designs of white roses, white lillies, and yellow chicks for Easter.
A close-up view of antique postcards made into a decorative banner for Easter. Pretty vintage postcards can make beautiful decor.
A close-up of a decorative banner made out of antique Easter postcards hanging on a twine string with wood beads. Pretty vintage  postcards can make beautiful decor.

My antique postcard collection is something I really cherish. It is unbelievable to me that these pieces of paper are in such wonderful condition! And, at over one hundred years old, they are still bringing joy to my family as well as to my home, INCREDIBLE! So, if you are looking to start an antique collection why not start collecting these little gems? They are lovely, historic, and inexpensive to buy. These pretty postcards of the past can make beautiful decor in the present. So, let’s try something new! Let’s add vintage postcards to our decor… and let’s get HOMEY!

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