
Opening a New eBay Shop :Oh What a Fun Adventure!

A bamboo birdcage displayed with a vintage globe and ceramic pottery in pastel colors.  Getting ready to open a new eBay shop!

Well, believe it or not, school is already in session. Summer is winding down. So, I thought it might be time to start a new ADVENTURE!…opening a new eBay shop! Well, I got this cuckoo idea to open an eBay shop a few months back ( I put it on my bucket list). But then I thought, hey, it’s not so cuckoo! Everyone keeps asking me if any of my fun finds are for sale… and at the time they were not. They were all part of my personal collection. But then I got to thinking…I sure enjoy hunting for fun finds and I know where to search for some really awesome things! So, why not make them available to everyone? My husband thought it was a brilliant idea too, so now we are off on a new endeavor! How exciting is that!

Two vintage bamboo bird cages on a dining room table ready to be sold on eBay.  Getting ready to open a new eBay shop.

* Luckily for us treasure hunting is one of our favorite pastimes! Unique finds are everywhere!

I was a dealer some years back at a couple of local antique shops…but when my family grew it was all hands on deck to take care of everyone. And so I decided to hold off on selling for a while. I missed it terribly but I always knew I would go back to it someday. I still have three teenagers in high school, but I do have a little extra time on my hands now. Since I’m a loyal customer and fan of eBay I thought I would give it a try!

* Hunting through all the vintage shops and thrift stores looking for colorful treasures and finds.

Opening a New eBay Shop….Here We Go!

Mark and I are starting small… one step at a time, and that’s okay! We are taking our time and seeing what happens. To start with, we will be selling mostly vintage pottery, as well as art and decor books. We have been busy hunting and collecting. making room and organizing. My art room has turned into a crazy hub of activity! But we love it! We are excited and we are finally ready to launch this weekend!

A globe and pastel vintage pottery are displayed with a stack of art and decor books. Getting ready to open a new eBay shop.

* Unpacking and organizing all the fun finds getting ready for the BIG DAY! eBay here we come!

SO HERE WE GO! It’s time to give it our best shot. We are learning as we go but we have courage and perseverance…and isn’t that whole point …to be brave and try? Success in this fun adventure can be measured in many ways. Opening a new eBay shop started as an idea that we were passionate about…that is success! We have a plan with a goal in mind and we are going for it… that is success! Writing a blog has been on my bucket list for years, and look, it finally came true! Selling vintage items has been on my bucket list as well…so it’s time to check it off the list! Do you have something you are passionate about? Can you turn that passion into a business? Maybe it’s time to be brave and try something new…something you always wanted to do! Start a FUN adventure of your own!

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