
Make Easy Spring Art for the Home: Framed Birds

A close up view of an illustration from a vintage book on warblers: two blue and one brown and red one sitting on branches.

There are two things I’m sure of… I’m always in the mood for spring and always in the mood to try an easy project! After taking down all of my Easter decor I realized I was missing the spring vibe in my home, as well as some of the cheer. So, as luck would have it, the day before I had noticed stacks of inexpensive frames at my local thrift shop! I purchased them and wondered what I could do with them. And it only took me a moment to realize that I could pair them up with my pile of vintage illustrated bird books. Fortunately for me, I had just purchased them at my favorite used bookshop a week prior. So let the fun begin! It’s time to make easy spring art for the home!

A stack of photo frames in different colors and materials.  Make easy spring art for the home by framing vintage bird illustrastions from old books.

Birds are fabulous! They say SPRING to me but they can also be used at any time of the year. To me, they are timeless, joyful, and special. Thank goodness I have loads of them! I collect them for just this sort of occasion. So I couldn’t wait to get started. I have a fabulous Audubon book that I considered using for a split second, but then I quickly came to my senses… LOL! I spared its life and decided I had enough inventory that I didn’t need to use it!

Colorful illustrations from a vintage book showing varieties of warbler birds sitting in branches.

my homemade framed birds

Once I laid out all my materials, I took my stacks of books and began to cut out pictures and arrange them in the frames. All I had to do was match up the frame with the perfect illustration. And before I knew it, I had several pieces of springtime art! BEAUTIFUL!

A pile of illustrated bird books opened showing colorful variey of birds like hawks, geese, warblers and ducks along with a variety of small frames.

You can get many wonderful prints from just one bird book, it’s such a great bargain!

A tiny picture frame being held with one hand displaying a beautiful yellow and gray bird on a branch.

I just LOVE this tiny picture frame it’s a whopping 3 1/2 inches x 2 1/2 inches, ADORABLE!

A close up view of an illustrated hawk print from a book in a gold frame surrounded by a variety of small framed bird prints.

The best part about this project is seeing how amazing these framed bird beauties look! It’s a fun and inexpensive way to bring more SPRING into your decor! So, why not try some quick and easy bird art today? Let’s think of our feathered friends! Let’s get creative and bring more spring into the home! And, most of all… let’s get HOMEY!

they look amazing everywhere!

A framed picture of a seascape with sandpippers and seagulls.  The blue frame is sitting on a wood tray and displayed with green plants and white tulips in a glass.
A framed picture of three brown warblers sitting on branches.  The frame is dsiplayed with a sewing basket and a few green house plants.

PRETTY vintage illustrations!

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