
How to Make Pretty Cake Stands in 6 Easy Steps

A white cake stand with pink iris flowers is displayed with a fruit design cake plate and white and pink mum plants.

I was looking for something extra special to add to my new antique booth. Something vintage yet also handmade, something decorative yet also useful. I found just the thing! Last week we were walking through a favorite antique shop and I noticed a vendor restocking her shelves. When I glanced over to see… there were beautiful cake stands! I’m a sucker for a gorgeous cake stand! I started chatting with her and asked her where she had found them. I was so shocked when she said “I made them!” She happily shared her secret with me and now I’m happily sharing the secret with you… how to make pretty cake stands in 6 easy steps.

A cake stand on it's side showing a fancy candlestick as the base of the cake stand.  There is a fruit design cake stand in the background.

She explained how easy it was. You just take a candlestick holder and a decorative plate and glue them together. That’s it! Who knew you could make your own cake stand so easily? So I bought a few of hers, and then I decided to make some too. And I’ll show you how.

Simple step by step


  • Candlestick holder
  • Fancy fun plate
  • Tube of E6000 glue
  • A bit of sandpaper
  • Measuring tape
  • Pencil
  • Gloves and Mask (when working with the glue)
Supplies needed to make a pretty cake stand: E600 glue tube, measuring tape, pencil, sandpaper, plastic gloves and a mask.

Step 1

Gather supplies, you might need to treasure hunt for candlestick holders and plates. You can use clear glass, milk glass, or ceramic candlestick holders and plates. The choice is yours. I found mine at the thrift store and the antique mall. You might already have some at home that you really want to use.

Four white candlestick holders.
Four plates over lapping.  Three milk glass plates one with a yellow fruit design and one ceramic plate with a green edge.

Step 2

Clean and dry the plates and candlestick holders to remove any dust or dirt.

step 3

Scuff up the surface lightly with sandpaper in the areas where the glue will go (the points of contact between the plate and candle holder.)

step 4

Using the measuring tape, find the center on the back of the plate. Place the candlestick holder on the plate and draw around the edge to mark where it will be placed once it is glued.

A milk glass plate upside down with a a tape measurer and pencil on top.  An outline of the top edge of a candlestick is on the plate.

Step 5

Time to glue. SAFETY FIRST! Please read the glue directions carefully on the usage and handling of this glue – I wore gloves and a mask and I also used the product outdoors. Add a line of glue to your desired area and attach the candle holder to the plate.

A Close-up of a package of E6000 glue in a tube along with plastic gloves and a mask.
A milk glass plate turned upside down on a patio table with a tube of e6000 and a milk glass candlestick holder.  It's step 5 in "How to Make a Pretty Cake Stand in 6 easy Steps."
A milk glass plate along with a milk glass candlestick on an outdoor table.  The candle stick is getting glue applied as step 5 of "How To Make a Pretty Cake Stand in 6 Easy Steps."

step 6

Let them dry for 24 hours.

Four milk glass and ceramic homemade cake stands turned upside down waiting for the glue to dry.

Enjoy your new creations!

Three handmade cake stands made out of milk glass with fancy edges.  One is holding three yellow pears and one has a yellow painted fruit design.  They are displayed with a green edged cake stand with a white blossom design in the middle.
A sunrrom table with four handmade cake stands:  three milk glass plates with fancy edges one is holding three yellow pears, and a ceramic plate with a green edge and a white blossom design.

What can I say, I LOVE cake stands! Not only because they are pretty, but because they are so useful! The sky’s the limit when making these little beauties!! Finding and choosing the pieces to use makes each cake stand super unique and special. You can give them as gifts, or use them in your own decor. They are fun and simple to make! So, let’s get crafty! Let’s make some cake stands! But, most importantly… let’s get HOMEY!

A close-up view of homemade cake stands.  A flora cake stand with a green edge and a white blossom, a fruit design cake stand with yellow pears and a milk glass divided cake stand holding three yellow pears.
A top view of several homemade cake stands in various styles and colors using vintage plates and candlestick holders.

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