
Great Nature Photos From a Summer Walk: Inspires Decor

An amazing view of a lake on a Summer day, with patches of bright green duckweed on top, surrounded by brilliant green tree leaves and the perfect blue sky.

Did you ever have one of those days? The air was extra fresh. The sun was extra sunny and the green all around looked lit up from the inside. And, everything was glorious…just so vibrant and so alive! So much so that you couldn’t believe your eyes! Well, I did! It was the kind of day that I wanted to photograph everything in sight. Everything was as pretty as a picture and then some. The kind of day where you know for sure that GOD is GOOD and He is an amazing artist !! And, I felt super blessed to be part of it all! Now, along with my trusty iPhone, I have some great nature photos from my summer walk to prove it.

A close-up of curved green Yucca plant leaves with water beads resting on top.  A great nature photo from a Summer walk.
One brilliant yellow lilly bloom surrounded by thin green lilly leaves.
A lake with trees and reflection of trees in the distance with a sord of mallards resting on shore.  A great nature photo from a Summer walk.

Who knew that taking a nature walk in my local park would be so thrilling and so inspiring? It’s crazy to think that in the middle of the suburbs of Ohio, I could encounter scenery resembling a tropical paradise. Every image I snapped was exciting and motivating, so as soon as I got home I felt like celebrating summer by bringing color and life into my decor.

Summer tree leaves of bright green backlit by the brilliant sun.
Ixora plant with blooming florets of orange and coral.  A great nature photo from a Summer walk.
Close-up of Summer tree leaves vivid green, glowing from the sunshine and the perfect sky blue in the background.

Nature Photos from a Summer Walk Inspire Decor

I didn’t do anything dramatic or expensive…just added some summer cheer with locally grown wildflowers, a few sprigs of leaves from my yard, and added a few potted plants…VOILA.. instant sunshine, instant JOY!

Floral display with dwarf sunflower and giant zinnia, both in vibrant yellow, displayed in a vintage spring green ceramic vase on a kitchen table.

My sunny yellow zinnias and mini sunflowers are fresh from a local farm. Paired with textured hydrangea leaves they make a perfect summer display on my kitchen table. The vintage spring green ceramic vase with scroll and leaf motifs was recently purchased at a nearby antique shop… It really wakes up my whole room!

If you’d like to get a nice vintage vase see these from eBay: McCoy Yellow Vase, McCoy Teal Vase, and McCoy White Vase (paid links).

Mini wooden dock decoy on a china cabinet surrounded by house plants and hydrangea cuttings in jars. Inspired by great nature photos of a Summer walk.

Adding some outdoor cuttings from my backyard along with potted plants just gives an extra lift to my dining room display. A mini wooden decoy adds interest and whimsy. All reflecting fun summer days

  • Interesting fact: hydrangea leaves generate roots when in water for several days so they can last a long time in water and can be replanted later!
Kitchen window sill with house plants in white pots and a vintage yellow vase with tall branch cuttings from the backyard.

Think about using branches from your own yard. My kitchen windowsill is the perfect place to display small limbs cut from my redbud tree and mulberry shrub. It’s even more special displayed in a sunny yellow vintage vase.

Bring the Summer Indoors

Dwarf sunflower in vivid yellow with a yellow center along with a giant yellow zinnia and hydrangea leaves.

There is nothing like bringing a little sunshine into your home! And to think it was all inspired by great nature photos from a summer walk. So now it’s your turn…give it a try! Go explore your local parks or nature preserve or even take a stroll around your own neighborhood. Shop your own backyard and garden for beautiful greenery and bright colored flowers to use. Or, visit your local Farmers’ Market for wildflowers and potted plants. Get creative and bring some outdoors in…add some summer CHEER!

If you enjoyed this field trip, see my post “Make a Home Special: Bring The Outdoors In.”

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