
Flea Market Fever in Burlington…What a Great Time!

We had a very fun weekend this past Sunday. The weather was amazing! The heat had subsided and we got to enjoy one of our favorite outdoor sports… HUNTING for vintage goodies! That’s right, you guessed it… a FLEA MARKET! And, one that we had just discovered! I always get excited when I come across a new antique show that I haven’t explored yet. I couldn’t believe this little gem was right under my nose. We definitely had flea market fever in Burlington… what a great time!

The Burlington Antique Show has been around for 43 years, so where have I been… under a rock? It was baffling to me that we had never stumbled upon this holy grail of antiques and vintage treasures until a month ago. So, we were thrilled to revisit it this past Sunday! This wonderful Burlington Flea Market is located on the Boone County Fairgrounds in Kentucky. They have it once a month from April through October.

They have over 200 vendors which might sound small compared to the Springfield Flea Market. But I assure you, they do not disappoint! I thought the quality was great and the variety was even better! I filled my wagon and spent all my cash… it was a successful day indeed! What I really like is the size of their venue. It is much easier to maneuver through than a larger crowd. And, the best part about Burlington… it’s one of the friendliest markets I’ve ever been to!

oh boy mccoy!

And speaking of little gems, I found MANY McCoy pottery treasures in lovely pastels! I bought seven pieces in total along with a soft green Morton flower pot! Hip Hip Hooray! It was my lucky day!!

We even met a vendor who is just as crazy for McCoy as we are! He actually owns over a thousand pieces and regularly has a wonderful inventory of nice ceramics to sell. We can’t wait to go back and see him next month!

other goodies

Amidst all of my ceramic treasures and beloved McCoy finds, my FAVORITE purchase of the day was a vintage chrome rollie cart… and it actually works!

What a very pleasant surprise the Burlington Antique Show turned out to be! We have attended two so far and we anticipate many more visits to come! And since it’s only a hop, skip, and a jump from my home it makes it high on my list! In these warm weather months, I definitely have flea market fever! And, I encourage you all to explore a few of your own this summer. If you LOVE unique, fun vintage items then there is no better place to spend an afternoon! So, get your wagon ready (or your rollie cart), and let’s get to the nearest outdoor flea market! But most importantly… let’s get HOMEY!

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