Creativity and Music a Beautiful Pair : Art Room Tip #2

Creativity and music are a beautiful pair.  This at home art room workspace has a cello.

I wasn’t being very truthful in my previous blog post. I said I had a private art room now. Well, I do in fact share my art space……with my cello!!! However, where I come from, music and art go hand in hand… can inspire the other. Creativity and music, what a beautiful pair. When I practice my cello it puts me in a very innovative state of mind, which then helps me in my art endeavors. I have found that listening to any of my favorite music can help stir up my imagination and lower my inhibitions.

Just like when a writer gets writer’s block, with art and decorating the same thing can happen. Having a creative block is very normal. Sometimes when doing a project I can get stuck and have no idea where to start – that’s where music comes in handy. It can quickly unclog the block and help my artistic process start to flow again.

Charcoal sketches intertwined with sheet music. Creativity and music are a beautiful pair.

In decorating, I have a very eclectic taste and the same is true with music. I enjoy classical, operatic, 40s, 50s, and early 60s….not too distracting….just enough to calm and put me in the mode of creating. Whether I am humming to Andrea Bocelli, the Two Cellos, or songs of the 40s, I can always find a tune to go along with the mood for painting.

Consider a Vintage Record Player & Albums

A black 1950s schoolroom record player and several record albums, including singers: Mel Torme, The Platters and Doris Day.

I have a 1950s schoolroom record player and a collection of vintage vinyl albums. Mel, Ella, Nat, and Rosemary have got me through many a creative slump. Music lifts me up when I am in the throws of painting, keeps me relaxed, and puts me in a positive frame of mind…so my artisic process tends to flow more freely. So, try playing some tunes. Put on your favorite album and see if it helps your innovative process. Music is magical!!! It’s the perfect complement to art…MUSIC and creativity, what a beautiful pair!

If you would like to see more about my art room, please visit my blog post: Making An Art Room At Home: 8 Ingredients.

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