
Art in the Home: My Fascinating Jack Meanwell Watercolors

Wooden birdcage and a small stack of colorful art books, 2 conch shells, and green leaf plants.

Art in the home is vital and holds the key to making a home more beautiful. So…to be gifted an original watercolor painting, frame, and all, is quite fortunate. But to find a second painting ten years later by the same artist …that’s a miracle! We feel very blessed to have been given our first Jack Meanwell painting by my parents. They actually knew the artist and purchased his artwork from his studio in Ludlow, Kentucky. I remember admiring it when I was younger as it hung in our living room. So imagine how thrilled I was to receive it as a gift.

Art in the home is vital...like this abstract watercolor painting of a landscape by a lake.  The painting is in blues and greens done by Jack Meanwell in 1978.

Jack Meanwell was a fabulous artist who lived in Cincinnati as an art instructor at the Art Academy of Cincinnati for over twenty-five years. Jack was born in 1919 in Ontario, Canada, and completed his art studies at the Detroit Art Academy. He is well known for his abstract landscapes and figurative paintings. He brings such life into his artwork with his fluid brush strokes and his grasp of nature.

An abstract watercolor painting by Jack Meanwell.  It's a landscape and lake painting in dusty blues and greens.

My husband and I were so thrilled after receiving the first painting . We never dreamed we would come across another one let alone one for sale. I was on a mission looking for a small side table for my art room and decided to look on Everything But The House (EBTH), an online auction site. While I was there I decided to peak at the ART section…and there it was…a watercolor that looked so similar to the one I already owned. I couldn’t believe my eyes! I glanced at the artist’s name… Jack Meanwell ( I knew it)!!! Similar colors (but this one is a bit more vibrant) and same subject matter and the same familiar brush strokes. It could have been painted in the same location. It was even painted in the same year…1978.

Recently Aquired Jack Meanwell Painting

Art in the home is vital...like this abstract watercolor painting on paper by Jack Meanwell.  Blue pine trees and lake water with green and plum landscape.

I couldn’t believe my luck. We were just in time for the auction and we were able to outbid our opponents. When we got it home it felt like it was meant to be. It now hangs in the art room in a perfect spot.

An abstract watercolor painting by Jack Meanwell. A landscape by a lake with colors of deep blue, yellow green and plum.

Art can transform a space! Besides adding color and texture it can also change the mood! In the words of Pablo Picasso, “Art washes away the dust of everyday life”… isn’t it the truth! It washes away the dust and in its place leaves behind beauty and JOY! Jack Meanwell’s work certainly brings me joy! I find his abstract art so wonderfully fascinating that I can’t help but get lost in it. I feel very privileged to own them both. Are there empty walls in your home that could use some pizzazz or inspiration? Try adding artwork …what a transformation it can make!

Other Fascinating Paintings by Jack Meanwell Found on EBTH

An abstract line drawing with oil pastels by Jack Meanwell.  An abstract of 3 female figures in yellow, pink, and green blue.
  • Abstract figure drawing on paper with oil pastels featured on Everything But The House.
Abstract landscape of Earth, water, and big sky by Jack Meanwell.  It is an oil painting on paper with graphite pencil.
  • Abstract landscape oil painting on paper with graphite pencil featured on Everything But The House.

If you’d like to see more on the art in my house, see my post, “Mysterious Beautiful Lady Portrait: Art Find.”

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