About Me
Hello I’m Marisa. I’m an artist and avid decorator. As a kid, I embraced my creativity at an early age. I have been very blessed to come from a family of artists, so my creativity was nurtured along the way. Hence my lifelong LOVE of decorating and art. Decorating is a HUGE passion in my life.

I’m focused on eclectic design that is colorful, fun and functional. I really enjoy intertwining vintage with current finds, and doing projects on a budget. I challenge myself to do the work on my own or with help from family, before I call a professional. It’s always exciting to try something new and learn new skills as well. I LOVE decorating and making the most of a space, and I just want to pass along all my super enthusiasm to you!
I’m so thankful to God, and I’m thankful for any creative talent that I have been given. I am thankful for this blog, and for this opportunity to share it with you.
ABOUT the Blog
CREATIVITY.. Everyone has it…the question is what are you doing with yours? Are you enjoying it and using it to improve your world or is it bottled up just laying about on a shelf waiting to be uncorked???

My Homey Blue Heron blog is a way to share creative decorating thoughts. It is a way to connect with those who are excited about decorating and with those who are still finding the courage to try. I believe a home should be cheery and uplifting. Surround yourself with things you LOVE. Life is too short for humdrum. So let’s get creative! Let’s put some JOY back into our homes. Let’s make our space homey and special one room at a time.
This is Mr. Blue, a Great Blue Heron… my blog mascot. Usually, if I want to see him, he’s at our local lake. But every now and then, he shows up…..in my own backyard….literally! Living in the middle of suburbia I find his visits quite miraculous. I had not seen him in quite a while, until yesterday….a few days after I published my first blog post. I wonder if he knows what I am up to. Lately, I consider his visits as an encouraging sign, to keep plugging away, that it’s all meant to be. So Homey Blue Heron blog was born, along with Mr. Blue… my mascot…my logo…and my favorite feathered friend.