
A Simple Nature Walk: Refresh Your Mind and Decor

Did you ever have one of those weeks? Sometimes you just have to STOP the world and breathe. And for me, that’s hard to do! I’m so used to Go-Go-Going that sometimes I don’t realize I’m GONE. I might be living a day-to-day routine but I’m NOT really there! But thankfully the great outdoors can help! There is something about a simple nature walk that can reset my head, and my mood and SNAP me back to reality! It can refresh my mind and body and believe it or not, even my decor.

It was more than just a cool summer afternoon on a wooded trail. Last Sunday was what a Sunday ought to be: relaxing, restful, and reflective. It was a gratitude check… and who doesn’t need one of those from time to time?

How is it possible that walking through the woods can make me feel so small and insignificant yet so enormously loved and special all at the same time? I think it is because you see the hand of God in everything around you and everything becomes so beautiful and such a blessing!

The best part about a nature walk is that it can put your mind at peace. It’s calming yet invigorating. It puts the chaotic world back into check… into perspective… but now with a more grateful heart.

After an absolutely refreshing afternoon of being submerged in the great outdoors, I was ready to bring that peaceful vibe back with me and add it to my own home decor!

time to bring the outdoors in

Just by adding a few green summer branches into my space I can totally lift the mood.

My favorite honeysuckle tree has the most amazing branches and stays fresh in water!

Even a small vintage planter displaying seasonal foliage and black-eyed Susans can be the perfect way to bring the outdoors in.

keep it simple

refresh your mind and decor

I’m now feeling recharged, happy, and thankful once again! And even better, I’ve been able to bring some of the beautiful outdoor JOY into my home decor. A simple nature walk can make all the difference. So let’s not forget to take a break now and then! Let’s reconnect with nature and find some peace and gratitude! And as always, let’s get HOMEY!

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